Karl Fleig has served as the National Director for Royal Rangers USA in 2014. Karl is a Wilderness FCF member and the Executive Director for the national FCF program. Karl's FCF name is "Eagle Wings."
Rick DuBose serves as the Assistant General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God. He is a former District Superintendent from North Texas and is a long-time enthusiastic supporter of Royal Rangers and FCF. He is a sought-after speaker at Royal Rangers and FCF events and is committed to helping men and boys become the men of God they were created to be.
Our evening services and morning assemblies will include worship led by our very own frontier musicians, Tom Kesteleyn and Tom Mathey, from the Abe Lincoln chapter in the Illinois district.
John Hembree serves as the National FCF Coordinator, leading a team of FCF leaders to administer the FCF program nationwide. John is an FCF Wilderness member. His FCF name is "Many Waters."