Charging Stations/CPAPs

There will be at least one charging station near the main snack bar for Old Timers and Young Bucks to charge phones and other electronic devices. Note that CPAP batteries will be given top priority.

Charging Stations

An enclosed and manned charging station is available at each regional headquarters. These charging stations are for their region’s use. A check-in and check-out process has been established and will be followed by all individuals using these charging stations. Telephones and chargers for CPAP batteries take precedence over other electronics. To check your electronic device in you must have the full charging cord assembly attached to the device. There will be no sharing of cords or disconnecting someone else’s cord to connect to yours. A tag will be affixed to the charging cord to verify ownership at check-in and confirmation at check-out. Check with your region for the designated hours of operation for this service.

CPAP Units

Due to the size of the camping areas, we cannot provide power to individual tents or campsite. As such, all CPAP type machines must be brought with their own battery power (generators are not allowed to be brought by campers for their individual use). As noted above, each region will be providing a charging station. Same rules apply for CPAP units: to check your CPAP battery in for charging you must have the full charging assembly attached to the device.

For example: If a car battery is used to power a CPAP, then the battery must be accompanied with a battery charger.

It is recommended that you put your name on your battery and charger. There will be no sharing of cords or disconnecting someone else’s charger to connect to another’s. A tag will be affixed to the charging cord to verify ownership at check-in and confirmation at check-out.


Gas and power are limited, but participants will be permitted to bring items, such as electric razors and hair dryers. No large household-size electric or gas appliances will be permitted. Generators are not permitted. The power outlets at the shower houses are primarily for grooming purposes although cell phone, video, and camera battery chargers may also use these outlets. Using extension cords to run power out of any building is not allowed. The Royal Rangers national office assumes no responsibility for theft or damage. No alteration of electric systems will be allowed. All other power outlets are for Rendezvous operations only.


Registration for National Rendezvous may be made online until June 23, 2024, and is open to all men and boys who meet the attendance qualifications. Details can be found on the registration page.



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